Info for employers - why and how to join Wolverhampton CarShare
Why would my organisation want to be involved?
Over flowing car parks make access to workplaces difficult and sometimes dangerous for staff, visitors and deliveries. It also makes the business appear untidy and unprofessional. A difficult, costly or stressful journey to work can often be a deciding factor in an employee's decision to change jobs. Congestion costs businesses hundreds of millions of pounds a year and this scheme gives the business community the opportunity to actively assist in tackling the problem. These are only some of the negative points yet they are in themselves all good reasons for an employer to consider how their employees get to and from work.
What does it cost?
It's free!
OK, so what about the benefits?
Being a member of the scheme means you will be providing your employees with an extra travel choice, which will help in retention of staff and open up previously unattainable recruitment opportunities. This will also be seen by staff as a benefit that you as an employer are providing them, which leads to a happier more satisfied workforce. As demand for car park space decreases you may be able to free up land for other more profitable uses. If not you will still be able to provide a more equitable distribution of parking privileges. Employees participating in the scheme will arrive at work less stressed from the journey and during the journey some informal business activity will invariably take place. You will also benefit from having an improved environmental image.
Why do I need to register my organisation?
There are a number of reasons. We need the address for the post code matching to function. We need to know that you are willing to display posters and leaflets that we supply to promote the scheme to your employees. Finally, some of the security features we have built into the scheme require us to have a contact within your organisation.
How do I register my organisation?
Employers based in Wolverhampton should call 01902 555698 or email and we can sign you up or arrange a meeting with you.
My employer is not registered
If your employer is not yet registered, and you are interested in the possibility of car sharing to your regular place of work within the Wolverhampton CarShare area, please encourage your management to consider joining the scheme. Alternatively contact us and we can contact your employer on your behalf.
Car sharing outside Wolverhampton
If your organisation is outside the Wolverhampton CarShare area and you are interested in joining or setting up a car share scheme, whether for a region or for a single employer, please contact Jambusters Ltd